My Patterns

How to Crochet Linked Hearts Free Pattern

The interlocking hearts motif has been really popular lately and, knowing I love a challenge, my friends tasked me with coming up with a pattern to make something similar. I’d made solid hearts a few years before so knew how to make the curves and bottom point.

The only thing that got me stumped was how to make that central stalactite. So, You Tube being my go-to when I need crochet help, I looked and found Louie’s Loops heart tutorial and saw how he made his ‘mini-picco’ and incorporated that into the pattern you see here.

I then had to decide on the number of stitches for the foundation chain and where to start. I drew on knowledge from the solid hearts for the number, also doing some scribbling and experimenting,  and decided to put the join where it could be hidden behind the previous heart.

Since I was unable to find a video of the hearts like I wanted to make, I thought maybe others might be looking too and decided to make my own video to help.

I’d made an earlier version of this tutorial and decided to do a remake since the sound quality was poor, mostly due to first time nerves! Also when I made my Linked Hearts Hat, I realized I needed to alter the boarder a little so the number of stitches on the top and bottom matched.

For this pattern I used Red Heart Super Saver yarn simply because that’s what I had on hand. I used hook F/5 3.75mm because I didn’t want to have a lot of gaps. You can use whatever yarn you like with the hook size suggested on your yarn, see how it looks and maybe go down a hook size or two if you prefer.

When making the hearts you can go into the bottom loop of the foundation chain as shown in this video, or you can use the back loop like I showed in the first version I did of this. The back loop is harder to access but gives a thicker inner rim to the hearts which I feel looks nicer.

How to Crochet Linked Hearts Free Crochet Pattern

Start by making the hearts.

Make a slip and Chain 20. Ch 2 more, roll the chain towards you so the back is now facing you and slip stitch in the top loop of the second chain from the hook. Chain 3 more. Find the 1st chain, so the front of the chain is facing you and it is not twisted and slip stitch in the top loop to form a ring.

Ch1. Continuing to work in the loops of the foundation chain, 2 sc in the next chain, Sc in each of the next 6 loops. 

3sc in the next loop. Sc in each of the next 6 loops, 2sc in the next loop, 1sc in the next, 2sc in the next and 1sc in each of the next 2. You should have reached the top centre of the heart. Jump over this bit. Sc in each of the next 2 loops. 2sc in the last loop and slip stitch in the top of the first Sc to join. Tie off. 

This pattern has been used by Hooked 4 U Crafts to make this beautiful king size bed spread. She has given me permission to add her photo here. Please go show her some love on her Facebook page HERE.

If you’d like to feature this pattern on your website, you have my permission to use 1 photo as long as you provide a link back to my site.

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12 thoughts on “How to Crochet Linked Hearts Free Pattern

  1. Thank you for the tutorial it was great I could understand everything you were doing enjoyed much.So Happy found your blog .

  2. Thank you for such an easy tutorial to makingr interlocking hearts Now I have a question is there a tutorial on how to make a crochet hat with the interlocking hearts I have tried a number of time to get a hat but i think I am missing some steps Thank you

  3. I see the comment where you said you used a little yarn. Do you happen to know how many yards/skeins you actually used?
    Thank you

  4. hi kat , thanks so much for your video — it really made it so much easier to follow along with you — i have now learned something new thanks again
    and the best part of your video is hearing your little one in the back-ground

    take care -keep on hooking

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