
Photo Frenzy free blogger event

Couponing and Reviewing in Texas is hosting a great Photo Frenzy Giveaway Event!
Couponing and Reviewing in Texas are teaming up with awesome bloggers to share some Photo Frenzy with you.
The event is free for bloggers, just share a post about the giveaway, and you’ll receive 1 entry of your choice on the Rafflecopter form.
The event will run from June 1 – 30th.
  • $35 Gift Certificate from mod. straps
  • How to Photograph Your Baby DVD
  • PicBound Photobook
  • 8X10 Photo Canvas from Build A Sign
Many more prizes to be included…..
If you would like to sign up for this event please click here to go to Couponing and Reviewing in Texas

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