Since I’m done with school I finally got some extra time to do some experimenting with crochet. I found this complicated looking rose square pattern in a free ibook I downloaded onto my ipad. The book is called Priscilla’s Crochet and has a crazy amount of patterns in there and although most are kind of old fashioned looking, there’s quite a few small projects I’m wanting to try out just to test out my crochet skill and see what I can do. I’ve been crocheting for almost two years now and pretty much taught myself through watching youtube videos and searching online for patterns to try or how to do unfamiliar stitches.
I’ve done roses in the past so that part of this pattern was quite familiar, however, the leaves were a little tricky with different numbers of chain stitches for each part of the leaves and triple crochet stitches for the wide part of the big leaves. I couldn’t quite remember how to do a triple crochet so I had to go look that one up! On the whole though I found I was able to understand the pattern and, since it was rated as intermediate I was quite please with myself when it turned out looking like the picture. So, I think I will try out a few more intermediate patterns soon then I can consider myself graduated from beginner to intermediate – woohoo!