
Clover Amour Crochet Hook Set Giveaway

I recently got myself a set of these lovely Clover Amour Crochet Hooks.

I’d heard so many great things about them and had been dreaming of one day owning a set.

However, they’re kind of pricey, and with my super frugal nature I just had to wait for a good deal.

That day finally came and at last I got to try them!

I love these hooks so much!

I love the fun vibrant colors.

I love the soft yet firm, ergonomic shaped grips.

I love the super smooth throats that make the yarn effortlessly glide over.

I love the perfectly rounded tips that slip so easily into the stitches while not splitting the yarn.

I love that the pack includes 10 sizes so I’ll always have the hook I need for all my projects.

Wish you had a set too?

Well, I have some good news for you!

I picked up an extra set!

I’m so excited to give one of you, my wonderful readers, a set of these amazing crochet hooks!

Scroll on down and use the Rafflecopter form to enter!

Learn more about these amazing hooks and/or get a great deal on a set right now! (Amazon affiliate link)

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Giveaway open Worldwide (void where prohibited). One set of entries per person. Winner will be drawn at random from valid entries. Winner will be notified by email and must provide mailing address within 48 hours or prize will be forfeit and a new winner selected. Krazy Kabbage is not responsible for lost or damaged prizes.

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120 thoughts on “Clover Amour Crochet Hook Set Giveaway

  1. Got any cute baby booties for a newborn? My cousin will be born in less than a month and I want to make her something unique fthan my other cousins

  2. Got any cute baby booties for a newborn? My cousin will be born in less than a month and I want to make her something unique fthan my other cousins

  3. I’ll make anything I can find. LOL I just bought one Clover hook. I was amazed at how much of a difference it made.

  4. Just finished browsing your pattern section. Lovely! Such a nice set of crochet hooks that you are offering as a winning gift, also. I have heard that Clover Armour crochet hooks are a delight to use.

  5. I would make more amigurumi and bags and beanies. Anything and everything !!!! Would love to try those hooks. I have been wanting those for so long!

  6. ive been a crocheter for over 30 yrs and I enjoy making hats and purses. made a few items for a baby items for my local hospital. Nothing is more exciting than finishing a beautiful project. Thank for a chance to win some crochet hooks I sure would love a set. I am an H hook lady.

  7. Love it! Thank you for the opportunity! I’d make mostly Christmas presents with them, at this point. (Christmas is coming, too fast, unfortunately! Lol!)

  8. I just received my 1st clover hook. Amazing. Thank you for the opportunity to win some. I just joined your group and I am anxious to check out your patterns.
    Christmas gifts are what I would use them for both patterns and hooks.
    Thank you

  9. I need these hooks….I have been crocheting for over 45 years and my fingers no longer work with the traditional aluminum hooks…. pick me!

  10. These hooks are the best. I have two of them and would love the set. I would make everything with them. The first time I used a clover hook it was crocheting butter must feel like. Soooo Smooth!

  11. Hi. I’ve always wanted to try these hooks. I make items for charity whilst on dialysis three times a week, every week. Hoping they help with cramp too! Fingers crossed!! Thanks 🤞🏻😃🌟

  12. If these made crocheting more comfortable for me , as I suspect they would, I might actually complete a blanket!

  13. I would love to make some beautiful handbags with these crochet hooks. The comfort grip would make it easier to whip them out faster.

  14. Thank you so much for letting us enter this awesome giveaway! I love crocheting. More than likely it’ll be for appliqué on fleece blankets for kids/teens with cancer so hopefully I’ll win these crochet hooks!

  15. I love these crochet hooks, I have a couple of them 4.5mm and 6mm for my hats and other crochet treasures. This year we are donating items like hats and scarves to shelters, the armour crochet hooks I have on hand have given me a good head start, the set will enable me to use all sizes of yarn/wool for these special projects. Thank you so much for this offer 🙂

  16. If I win these needles, they will be the perfect tool I’ll need to make a Harry Potter C2C blanket I’m planning on making for my family. It’s my first time doing C2C but I’m excited for the challenge!

  17. I do a lot of crocheting for my grandkids and others in my church, along with making blankets for newborns. With the arthritis in my hands, I believe that these hooks would make a big difference in what I can do.

  18. What won’t I make with them lol. My newest obsessions are freeform and tapestry. These will help with the arthritis. Thanks for the chance.

  19. Nice hooks. I have one. It is nice to use. Easy on the hand, too. Right now I am crocheting a pattern by Miranda Nippert of a ear warmer. Hope it turns out as good as her pictures. Fall is starting to get cold around here. Time for hats, ear warmers, and scarves. I love small projects.

  20. I would make so many different items scarfs, hats, shawls, cowls, and blankets r just some of what I would make. I purchased only one of these hooks to try and I fell in love just don’t have finances to be able to get whole set so thus would be awesome to win.

  21. Mom taught me to crochet when I was in grade school, just started up again in March and started making summer and winter blankets for my Gr. Grandkids. Would love to win these to go with my 5.5 clover hook

  22. I’ve never tried these hooks but have heard they are awesome! I’d love to use them to make some baby dresses and blankets and ear warmers for my 8 month old babygirl! Thanks for the giveaway!!!

  23. Seem these hooks and said Imust get a set.but with hubby becoming ill and passed away,my crafts were put on the back burner. Now I am just getting back to my crafts and could not believe Kat you are giving a set away… what a treat that would be.

  24. I’d love to win these crochet hooks! I taught myself to crochet last year (at age 63), and absolutely love it! If I were to win these hooks, I could make a scarf, hat and gloves for my best friend of 46 years, Vicki, finish my son’s afghan, and make a blanket scarf for my bed. Good luck everyone!

  25. Thank you! My husband wonders why I wanted to try these…never have! And I ask you, ladies….can one EVER have too maky hooks???? Or yarn, or….

  26. I have 1 of these hooks and absolutely love it. I’ve been wanting to buy the set but just haven’t been able to bring myself to spend that much money on hooks.

  27. There are so many projects I have lined up for Christmas! Everything from holiday scrubbies, potholders, to blankets, tree skirts, and clothing items for those fortunate enough to live where it’s cold! (I live in Hawaii, but I still love to make sweaters and blankets) Also LOVE making crochet projects for my toddler granddaughter and her sibling (who’s arrival will be early spring 2020).
    Great giveaway! Would LOVE to win!

  28. I am just learning how to crochet so these would come in very handy. I do not know yet what I would make with them!

  29. I think I will be knitting socks very soon with the cold weather coming. I will use these hooks for that if I win. Thanks for the chance.

  30. I would use them to make my Christmas gifts. I am making a variety of gifts, so the different size hooks would come in handy. Thanks for the giveaway.

  31. I like the pattern for stained glass cowl, but I will use it to make a blanket. Thanks for the free pattern.

  32. It’s been years since I did any crochet so I’d be starting with a basic square I think but it would be fun to learn again.

  33. I will make ALL THE THINGS with these hooks! I own one or two Clover Amour hooks & absolutely love them!

  34. My favorite thing to crochet is doilies. My grandmother made them also, so it makes me feel closer to her (she died almost 40 years ago). I love how you can take a nice cotton yarn/thread and make something so intricate and beautiful.

  35. I have just recently taken up crochet agat and am struggling with hooks splitting my yarn. These hooks would be awesome to try. I’m also looking forward to looking through your patterns for my next project. Thanks.

  36. I learned to knit 1 summer while staying with 2 of my cousins n going out in their field with them to dig up thistles. They both knew how to knit n tried for hours to teach me the basics of knitting. I couldn’t figure out how to knit with them tutoring me but in my sleep figured it out n was up cpl hours before everyone else the next morning knitting away. My aunt was awed by my progress n confused since she thought I hadn’t learned how the day before. I explained I figured it out in my sleep n she laugbed.. When home I told my mom I thought using needles in both hands was too much n would be alot better if I could use just 1 needle!! She left the room n returned later with several needles n a both n yarn. Told me she didnt have ti.e to teach me how to crochet but to read n go by pictures in book she gave me. She was delighted to return later n see that I had already gotten the beginning sts done n an item almost finished.. Made her a potholder that night n she still had it in her drawer when we went thru house to divide everything between all my brothers n sisters n figure out what to do with whatever was left. I was 12 that summer n had learned how to sew on my moms trundle machine.. I look bk at that summer with fond memories. I enjoy teaching others to crochet n have taught quite a few over the years but none would have ever sat quietly n just read the directions from a book n tried doing what the directions said to do to learn how to crochet like I did after my mom gave me her book. I knew receiving her book was a huge gift n I needed to show my mom I was worthy of her gift. In time my mom bought me more hooks n yarn n books of my own esp doll pattern books so I could make clothes for dolls after I made the dolls. I got pretty good at it too!!

  37. Been crocheting much more lately, and also trying many new things. A new st of hooks would be so nice, I’ve been needing a new set for a while now, with this new set I can make tons of things that I’ve been making and also make some new items.

  38. En un viaje, compré uno, porque me atrapó su color.
    luego descubrí que son de especial ayuda por su diseño y material, ya que favorecen el deslizamiento del hilado, y ésto hace que el trabajo se realice mucho más rápido.
    Son una estupenda herramienta de trabajo!!!

  39. I have been wanting a set of these. I’ve been looking for hooks that don’t bend or twist.
    Thank you for the opportunity to try my luck <3

  40. I have arthritis in my hands and these soft hooks will be great for me, thanks for the patterns I’ve used that you’ve designed.

  41. I am so excited to have an opportunity to win these hooks. I have myriads of ideas of what I would like to crochet. Afghans, amigurumi, bags, and more. Best of luck to all the entrants.

  42. I would like to win a set of these Hooks. it would be cool to have something different. My hands do hurt sometimes with the hard hooks. soft one would be a relief. Whom ever wins will be blessed

  43. Hi,
    Thank You so much for the opportunity to win these hooks!. I have RA and these hooks would allow me to crochet a little longer before the pain kicks in. I am looking for a simple crochet pattern for the crochet topped kitchen towels. People love them, so i would like to make some as Christmas gifts this year. Thank You.

  44. I heard great things about these hooks! I’d love to try them! I’m currently working on a blanket for a wedding gift and get hand cramps. Does the wider handle help with that?

  45. I would love to win these, I actually have someone I am teaching to crochet and would give them to her, we have been working on baby booties

  46. Anything that strikes me in those size hooks, I love them since I have tried them. totally want to keep using them.

  47. Anything that strikes me in those size hooks, I love them since I have tried them. totally want to keep using them.

  48. I will be crocheting my little heart out. I plan on making mug cozies of dogs for rescue auctions. Making each of my grandchildren a blanket and finally finishing the graphghan for my son in law.

  49. I would live to have this set of hooks. I hear they are wonderful and as I age I have heard these are easier on your hands.

  50. I would love to use these hooks to make more graphghans, but honestly I think they’d work perfect for me with ami’s.

  51. I have always wanted to try these hooks. Unfortunately, they are quite pricey. Perhaps, one day they will come on sale.

  52. I love the bright colors of the hooks. I have mismatched hooks and always have to search for the one I need. It would be great to have them all in one place.

  53. I would love to have a set of these as I have trouble using the standard needles. With my swollen hands these would be ideal

  54. I like making a variety of things but right now I am making my husband slippers (he been waiting since he wore out the other ones 2 yrs ago). I guess I would make a hat for him for winter since he has waited for the slippers!

  55. I only have two of these hooks; but I love how thsy glide through the splittiest of yarns LOL….easy to use and no cramps or stiffness in my hands. I do mostly baby items and hats.

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