Hey there, how’s the weather where you are? I’m lucky enough to live where it stays pretty mild during the winter and most days we only need sweaters for trips to the park. But, where ever you live, my new hexagon granny square hooded cardigan is sure to keep your little ones warm and cozy. Or yourself warm too, since…
Category: My Patterns
Unicorn Cupcake Beanie Hat Free Crochet Pattern
I’m so excited to bring you this new free pattern today! This Unicorn Cupcake hat design is based on ideas I had after putting together my UNICORN ROUND-UP POST a few months ago. The round-up included unicorn hats and a sweet little unicorn cupcake so I thought, why not combine these ideas and create this beautiful and unique Unicorn Cupcake…
Cupcake Beanie Hat Free Crochet Pattern
Happy New Year! Here is my first pattern of 2019! I hope you like it! This simple cupcake hat is part of a bigger design I’ll be releasing in the next week or two. I’m really excited about it! UPDATE: It’s finished! Take a look at my UNICORN CUPCAKE BEANIE! However, I thought this basic cupcake hat looked great on…
Santa Hat Free Crochet Pattern
The idea for this pattern started out with my little one needing a Santa hat for preschool. Instead of finding the shop-bought one I have stashed away somewhere I had this great idea to make one! Somehow I managed to conceive this idea and finish the whole thing in just one day. Guess I’m getting better at designing? Normally it…
Twisted Cat Hat Free Crochet Pattern
So here it is, the second of the two ‘pussyhat’ designs I came up with after a friend asked me to make her a cat hat to wear to the Women’s Rights March. I love to design so I got excited at this opportunity to experiment and produce a fun new hat pattern. The two hat designs I came up with…
Perky Pussy Hat Free Crochet Pattern
Last month a friend asked me if I could crochet her a pink pussy cat hat for her to wear to the upcoming Women’s Rights March. To give me an idea of what she wanted, she sent me some photos of ‘pussyhats’ she found for sale on Etsy. But, knowing that I love to design my own stuff, she gave…
Alien Rainbow Beanie Hat Free Crochet Pattern
My boy loves all things space, planets and black holes. When I asked him what he wanted to be for Halloween he said he wanted to be an alien. He loves the fun things I crochet for him and had a lot of fun the last few years wearing the spider and web outfit I made for him. So, he…
Little Turkey Hat Crochet Pattern
Here we are at the end of September already! Before we know it, it will be Thanksgiving again. So, I thought it was time to release my turkey baby hat pattern. I designed and made this hat for my little one last year for his first thanksgiving family gathering and thought it looked so cute. I’d written the whole pattern…
Halloween Crochet Spider Beanie Hat Free Pattern
I thought my new spiders would look great on a hat, and since my Halloween spooky spiral hat has been really popular, I thought I’d make a spiral beanie hat. I wanted everyone to be able to wear this hat so I’ve designed it to be unisex and I’ve included instructions for different sizes, from baby through to large adult.…
Crochet Amigurumi Spider Pattern
I’m so excited for Halloween and have been having a lot of fun recently with producing some special new patterns for the occasion. This week I’ve been busy trying to design the perfect no-sew spider and turn it into an easy to follow pattern to share with you. I made some spiders last year by starting out with a squashed…